Outspoken does IASB! What's that, you say?

Outspoken does IASB! What's that, you say?

Last week we attended our second International Association of Speakers Bureaus ENGAGE Convention. Yes, there is an association of speaking agencies and management companies just like us! It is the industry event of the year, and we are so grateful to have joined this community. At the top of the list for the conference, we had the privilege of bringing one of our own speakers, Paula Stone Williams, to the stage as an IASBTalks Showcase presenter on Saturday.

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New TED Talk from Ruha Benjamin on Ustopia, Imagination & the Future of Technology

New TED Talk from Ruha Benjamin on Ustopia, Imagination & the Future of Technology

A rare and record four times on the TED stage, Sarah Jones spoke at TED Possibilities 2023 to call on allies with good intentions into the conversation around cancel culture and how to take individual actions that will ultimately lead to collective action and healing.

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📖 Reclaim Rest & Bring More Joy with Ximena Vengoechea's Book, Rest Easy!

📖 Reclaim Rest & Bring More Joy with Ximena Vengoechea's Book, Rest Easy!

Looking to combat burnout culture? Seeking more joy, more balance, and more energy? Through a combination of illuminating illustrations, storytelling, fascinating sidebars, and straightforward takeaways, Ximena Vengoechea’s book Rest Easy does just that offering a distinctive approach to well-being through the transformative power of rest. Rest Easy hits shelves today!

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